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RB Hand grippers

Price21.17€  35.28€
Manufacturer RB


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RB Hand gripper

The RB hand gripper series was developed for athletes who want to take the training of their grip strength to the next level.

These high quality hand grippers are crafted with 30 inch-force-lb torque increments from 70 lbs to 300 lbs so that you can train your grip similar to training any other bodypart by increasing resistance. This will finally allow you to build the huge forearms and crushing grip you have been unable to achieve by doing endless reps with plastic handled hand grippers.

If you want to develop serious hand strength for a sport, or just want to impress your friends, than the RB hand grippers are the perfect choice for you! If you're worried about working hard, getting sore hands and possibly some calluses on your fingers, than this product is not for you! ;-)


Strength (lbs):

  • 70
  • 100
  • 130
  • 160
  • 180
  • 210
  • 240
  • 260
  • 300

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